Pause, breathe, pray…
Give yourself time and grace…


Powerful words that I wholeheartedly share with others, but find difficult to put into practice myself. How do we give ourselves time in a world where everything is planned around a set timeline? Where do we find grace in a world filled with expectations and demands? How do I pause long enough to truly rest in my Father’s presence?

I recently read somewhere that writing can be a great tool to claim what we have lived and integrate it more fully into our journeys. Each one of you have impacted my life in various and unique ways. You are integrated in my journey, my story.

When I left for the Netherlands for a time of reconnecting with friends, family, and supporters I prayed it would be a time of refreshment and that I would be asked questions. Sounds a little weird, huh? I love questions though. I’m not talking about the generic kind, but questions that specifically relate to my situation and where I’m at in life. It helps me organize my sometimes chaotic thoughts and emotions. My time in the Netherlands was indeed refreshing. Not physically since I rushed from place to place trying to see and speak to as many of you as I could. However, emotionally and spiritually I left feeling refreshed, encouraged, and heard! I prayed for questions and I received them. Questions relating to my job, my living circumstances, adjusting to Texas, my finances. Some questions even went back to when I was still living on the ship and the challenging yet joyful time that was. The toughest, yet most beautiful questions were the heart to heart questions. What are your dreams, your passions? What has this time overseas taught you? What about friendships? It must be hard starting over again? Wow!

Dear supporters, you have blessed me with your questions more than you know. I may not have been able to articulate my answers very well and some questions I am still pondering on, searching for an answer. But by creating space for me to share and be vulnerable, reminded me how much I need you. Life overseas, in missions, single, can be tough at times. I, we, need each other. To ask the heart questions and remind one another to pause, breathe, pray.

Thank you for supporting me, both from the Netherlands and here in the US! Thank you for being part of my journey!

You are a blessing!

X Remy

IBAN NL75 ABNA 0411467778 – o.v.v. Remy van den Bogaerdt 3270


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