Well, I’m sure you didn’t expect another blog from me this soon. Unfortunately, I have some hard and sad news that I need to share with you.

Last week I received the news that my visa extension has been denied. This in itself is shocking and tough to hear, however, I’m also told that I have to leave the US before May 30th.

I have been in waiting seasons before, they are not easy to walk through yet they produce growth in so many areas. This past year of waiting has been a season of growth as well. I tried to keep my focus on God and what He was doing in me and through me, trusting Him with every aspect of my life. My prayer through it all has been clarity and direction. I desired to know and see in a clear way where God was leading me. Well, I have a very clear answer.

The shocking thing is the timeframe in which it is all happening. The thought of packing up my US life in less than 3 weeks is daunting and overwhelming to say the least. I’m feeling the heaviness of all the goodbyes, decisions, and an unknown future. My grief is all over the place and I’m giving myself permission to feel it all.

As you can imagine there are a lot of details to take care of; flight arrangements, selling my car, furniture, cancelling insurance and other financial details. These things are challenging on a normal day, but doing all of this in a short timeframe and in the middle of a pandemic is even more challenging. Please pray for strength, peace, wisdom, and just smooth sailing with all of the above. Please pray for good goodbyes as well. I don’t even know where to start…

As for what is next, I have no idea. Please be patient with me as I figure out what this means for my future and my work for Mercy Ships. I simply don’t know. For now, all I know is that I will leave the US at the end of this month and will stay with my family in the Netherlands. As soon as I have more details concerning work, support (financially and otherwise) etc. I will let you know.

Lots of love from Texas!

5 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Lieve Rémy. Heel verl sterkte en wijsheid deze weken. Ik denk aan je. Overigens onvoorstelbaar dat alles ineens zó moet gaan. Maar alles heeft een reden moeten we maar denken. Liefs en nogmaals sterkte!!!❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘

  2. Dunne family
    Dunne family says:

    We’ll be praying from Oz – God is sovereign- which becomes especially apparent when the path ahead is unclear. Xx

  3. Myriam Kormann
    Myriam Kormann says:

    Sending you lots of courage, love and prayers from Switzerland. I am so sorry to hear that. When it’s possible to travel, don’t forget I have a place for you to crash and rest 💜


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